What does today’s horoscope say? I guess, you are a good listener and ambitious, but sometimes let your emotions get ahead of you. If you are like me, you are probably sick of reading such extremely common horoscopes in the newspaper every day.
With today’s app, you can finally see a really detailed and personalized horoscope. The folks at Co-Star have come up with a unique way of integrating modern artificial intelligence technology with the NASA database Star-Chart to create “hyper-personal” horoscopes.
I catered myself to see how in-depth the information goes, and I have to admit it’s much better than most horoscopes I’ve seen. Generally you need to consult a personal astrologer to read it personally. Looks like those jobs are also done by A.I.
The app, which is only available for iOS, also provides traditional and simplified diagrams to help you understand the relative positions of your planets and stars and how they match up with your personality traits. Whether you believe this stuff or not, it can still make for some interesting reading.
So what do you think? Is artificial intelligence dead with your horoscope? Or does it need to spend some more time consulting the stars? Tell me in the comments what you think about AI and horoscope reading mobile apps. To download this app, click on the link we mentioned below inside the blue box. If you are reading this article using the Komando.com app, you may not see the blue box. If not, click here to view it.